
collective.celery provides the necessary bits to use Celery within Plone.

Much of the code here is based off of David Glick’s gists, Asko’s work and pyramid_celery.


Add the python package to your buildout eggs section:

eggs =
# Change this to celery[redis] or celery[librabbitmq] if you want to use Redis or RabbitMQ respectively.

You’ll also need to configure buildout to include the celery script in your bin directory:

parts =

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
scripts = pcelery


If you already have a scripts section, just make sure it also generates pcelery and that the eggs are correct.

Finally, configure celery by setting environment-vars on your client configuration. All variables defined there are passed on to celery configuration:

environment-vars =
# CELERY_IMPORTS is required to load your tasks correctly for your project
    CELERY_IMPORTS ('my.package.tasks',)
# basic example just using sqlalchemy
    BROKER_URL sqla+sqlite:///${buildout:directory}/celerydb.sqlite?timeout=30
    CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND db+sqlite:///${buildout:directory}/celeryresults.sqlite?timeout=30

Creating tasks

This package comes with two decorators to use for creating tasks.

run the task as the user who created the task
run the task as an admin


from collective.celery import task

def do_something(context, arg1, foo='bar'):

def do_something_as_admin(context, arg1, foo='bar'):

And to schedule the taks:

my_content_object = self.context
do_something.delay(my_content_object, 'something', foo='bar')

Or alternatively:

my_content_object = self.context
do_something.apply_async((my_content_object, 'something'), {'foo': 'bar'})

Check out calliung tasks in the celery documentation for more details.


You do not need to specify a context object if you don’t use it for anything meaningful in the task: the system will already set up the correct site and if you just need that you can obtain it easily (maybe via plone.api).

Starting the task runner

The package simply provides a wrapper around the default task runner script which takes an additional zope config parameter:

$ bin/pcelery worker parts/instance/etc/zope.conf


In order for the worker to start correctly, you should have a ZEO server setup. Else the worker will fail stating it cannot obtain a lock on the database.


You can change the log verbosity:

$ bin/pcelery worker parts/instance/etc/zope.conf --loglevel=DEBUG

Developing and testing

If you are developing, and do not want the hassle of setting up a ZEO server and run the worker, you can set the following in your instance environment-vars:

environment-vars =
# CELERY_IMPORTS is required to load your tasks correctly for your project
    CELERY_IMPORTS ('my.package.tasks',)
# basic example just using sqlalchemy
    BROKER_URL sqla+sqlite:///${buildout:directory}/celerydb.sqlite?timeout=30
    CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND db+sqlite:///${buildout:directory}/celeryresults.sqlite?timeout=30

In this way, thanks to the CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER setting, celery will not send the task to the worker at all but execute immediately when delay or apply_async are called.

Similarly, in tests, we provide a layer that does the following:

  1. Set CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER for you, so any function you are testing that calls an asyncroinous function will have that function executed after commit (see The execution model)
  2. Use a simple, in-memory SQLite database to store results

To use it, your package should depend, in its test extra requirement, from collective.celery[test]:

        'test': [

And then, in your

from collective.celery.testing import CELERY

class MyLayer(PloneSandboxLayer):

    defaultBases = (PLONE_FIXTURE, CELERY, ...)


Indices and tables